Thursday, January 27, 2011

Using Slang From the Public

            Nowadays, everything develops to the right side or to the wrong side. Languages are developing by the passing time. Some people add something to the languages and some of them are omit something from the languages. We cannot stop language change from happening. People try to adapt to their communities by different ways. One of the ways is to use particular language to communicate with each other. Also, slang is one way to keeps the relationships among friends and families. People who don’t want to be understood create it. However, some people do not accept to use their special language because they create their own language. I think there is no problem if the public people use slang in their speeches. There are three reasons that public people can use slang.
            The first reason is to make people understand each other. Sometime people when they’re talking, they use the way they earned in their environment. So, other people do not understand what they’re talking about. In that case, the people who do not understand try to ignore those people who talk like these. For example, one of my friends went abroad to Australia and he met lots of people. One day, an old man sat beside him and started talking to him, but my friend did not understand what he was talking about because the old man came from a village close to the mountain. After that, the old man understood that my friend did not understand anything. So, the old man started to use slang because most of the people use it. So, using slang makes people understand each other and avoid misunderstanding.
            Another reason is to make relationship with people who speak in slang. I think using slang does not particular for a group of people only or particular communities. Most people think that the black people only how use slang in their talking. However, the white people have the opportunity to use slang. I saw lots white people who use slang when I came to U.S. Also, Slang helps us to construct friendships by showing others that we speak their language and are therefore part of their group. For instance, if you use slang, you have big chance to make friendship with the people who talks their own language because do not face any problem to understand what they say. Also, they will be very happy to see people talk like them and they feel they are not ambiguous. In summarize, slang makes relationships and make people who use it friendlier among their friends and people.
            The last reason is to earn new language or accent. When you use slang you will earn new language and allow you to reinforce your experiences with the people and let you know a lot of things about their life. For example, when you know how to talk to other people by using their own language, you will know how these people think and act in their life. Also, you can expect what they will do. Another example to make the picture clear, the mother knows what her child needs because she know his movement and how he will act if he wants to go the toilet or if he wants to suckles. Also, if you want to attack a foreign enemy, you will study his language first.
            In conclusion, I do not see any problem for using slang because it’s make people understand each other, make friendships and to earn new language. All these reasons make you an expert. Also, I think slang is not exclusive to particular group of people. It’s associated with youth.

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