Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ways to Meet People in a New Place

When you go to a new place, you will see a lot of people. In case, you need to meet people you must do the follow steps. First, when you meet somebody you should meet him with a smile in your face. He will feel so happy and you will see a smile in his too. Second, you should shake his hand. Finally, you should talk together about work, foods, children and what he likes. After that, if you want to continue this relationship you should invite him for a coffee in your house or in a restaurant. So, if you want to meet people in a new place you should follow some ways to do that.

a Famous Engineering

        I would like to introduce myself. My name is Qais AL Qassabi. I'm from Sultanate of Oman. Nowadays, I'm eighteen years old. I was born in Bahla. It's in the middle of Oman. It has the second longest wall in the world after the Great Wall of China. My native language is Arabic. In the school I study English when I was 10 years old. I have a large family. I have three older brothers, three older sisters and two young sisters. Math is my favorite subject in school. Although, my least favorite subject is Life Skills. I learn English to complete my study and to contact white people who speak English. I have a big dream in my life. I want to be engineering. So, learning English is a step of my  dream. After graduation, I want to be a famous engineering.                                                                 .

Thursday, September 23, 2010


         One day, a grandfather decided to go on a fishing trip with his grandson's Tom. In the afternoon before sunset, they took a small wood boat. Before they left, the grandfather saw Tom's dog running fast. After that, they took it with them. When they were in the river, the grandfather threw his line in the water. He wore a brown hat with his glasses on it. Also, he wore dark, green trousers and a green shirt. He had wrinkles on his face and his hands. Tom's dog was brown and white. It tried to catch it's reflection in the water. However the grandfather was a smoker. Tom kept going when his grandfather tried to catch a fish. Tom wore a green shirt like his grandfather. Tom sat in front his grandfather and his dog. The dog sat beside Tom's grandfather. On the back of the boat, there was a small ring made of metal. So the grandfather and the dog sat on the back of the boat because several waves made the boat rock. Although, the water seems like a yellow because the sunset reflected the light in the water. Finally, they returned to their home before the night.